Mary Ann Stewart, MA, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist & Registered Nurse
About Me:
At some point in your life, you got lost. You put everything you had into your relationship with your spouse, then with your children, and now you don’t know who you are anymore. No wonder you feel disconnected and alone - you lost yourself along the way.
But you’re not alone. So many people look to their spouse, their kids, or even their jobs to fill them up. And maybe thats okay for the short term, but at some point it stops working and you’re back to feeling empty and alone.
The fact is, when you try to fill your emptiness with something outside yourself - a relationship, a house, a job - you’re not getting to the core of the issue.
Before you can develop meaningful relationships with others, you first need to develop a meaningful relationship with yourself through your relationship with God.
Here’s the thing - how we view the world is shaped by experiences we had early in life. If those life experiences were distressing or traumatic, that can influence how we show up in our relationships. And if our partner doesn’t understand why we see the world the way we do, then it can lead to communication breakdowns.
That’s why when I work with couples, I look at three components - you, your spouse, AND your relationship. By focusing on the individual during the session, each partner develops a deeper understanding of and empathy towards their partner.
This shifts us from “I don’t understand” towards “I get it.” And wouldn’t it feel great for your partner to get you, and for you to get your partner?
From there, you and your spouse can build the life you want. Instead of focusing on what you don’t want - the yelling and arguing, being talked down to or parented, feeling disrespected or ignored - you’ll start to create what you do want.
A marriage in which you’re seen, heard, and known on a deep level. A marriage built on faith, trust, understanding, and unconditional love. A marriage that feels like a true partnership and an extension of God’s love.
Services Offered:
Through my training and experience as a therapist and nurse, I know that the process of healing is multi-faceted and involves your physical, emotional, and spiritual health. We start by looking at each person’s role and actions within the relationship, then we explore how your beliefs and past experiences are influencing your life.
With that knowledge, you’re better able to rewrite your personal story and communicate your needs more effectively to your partner, so that you’re all on the same page, working together. You are no longer feeling lost and alone, but now you’re secure in your purpose and in who God created you to be.
My approach is eclectic, and I draw from Family Systems Theory, Transactional Analysis, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. What that means is that I’m a therapist who helps her clients explore the past in order to make sense of the present, and I combine that insight with action.
This approach means my clients see results quickly, because we are linking the inner work with outer action. The work begins in the therapy room, but my clients are applying their newly-acquired skills in the real world, and building on the gains they make with me.
Feel free to contact Mary Ann by phone with questions or to schedule an appointment.
Office: (252) 633-9465
Fax: (252) 633-1005
Email: mastewart149@gmail.com
Address: 1425 S. Glenburnie Road, Suite 5, New Bern NC 28562
Education and Experience:
Mary Ann Stewart, RN, LMFT is a therapist and a nurse who lives and works in New Bern, North Carolina. After receiving her Associate Degree in Nursing from Craven Community College, she spent several years working as a Registered Nurse in a variety of hospital settings. She then earned her Bachelor of Science and her Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy degrees from Liberty University. She continues to participate in individual and group supervision, and builds her knowledge base through continuing education and training.
During and after graduation, Mary Ann provided individual, couples, and family counseling services through the HOPE Network at Temple Baptist Church in New Bern and LifeQuest Psychosocial Rehabilitation In Washington, NC.
In November 2016, Mary Ann opened her private practice in New Bern and became part of Family Solutions of New Bern, where she provides Christian couples counseling.